Instructions for submitting the final version of accepted papers

The authors of accepted papers must prepare their paper according to the PGM proceedings format, and submit the full version of their paper as a single PDF file by the deadline of Friday, August 6, 2010, 23:59 GMT. The maximum length of the submissions is eight (8) pages (no exceptions!).

The name of the file should be lastnameoffirstauthor.pdf. (If you have several accepted papers, please name them lastnameoffirstauthor1.pdf, lastnameoffirstauthor2.pdf, and so on.) In the body of your email, please list all the authors as they should appear in the author index (use Latex code), and indicate where in the alphabetical order each name belongs (e.g., do you want "van Gogh" to be listed under "V" or "G"?).

Send the pdf file(s) by email to "pgm2010(at)" (do NOT try to use the Confmaster system), and on the subject line of you email, please add "PGM2010 Final version" and the name(s) of the submitted file(s).

Template files for preparing the submissions (same as before):

  • pgm-author-instructions.pdf: Author instructions as a PDF file.
  • pgm-author-instructions.tex: The source file for the author instructions, can be used as an example/template file for the submissions.
  • pgm.sty: A Latex style file for formatting the submissions.
  • sample.bib: An example of a bibtex file (in case you use bibtex).
  • acl.bst: The required bibtex style file (in case you use bibtex).
Please make sure that the pages are not numbered (we will add the page numbers later when we merge all the files together)!